Junk Journal July – Prompt 26 – Cosy

Prompt 26, Cosy. The word cosy brings to mind, cold winter days, warm fire, snuggly blanket, good book and a drink of hot chocolate and marshmallows! Plus a bit of chocolate.

The image was printed and cut out and then I found a suitable background paper to put it on. I wanted that warm feeling so the red background was perfect. This was a nice, quick and simple page to create. Using the patterned paper eliminated the need for any kind of collage. I did break it up a little with some warm gold wax, which gave a shimmer as well as invoking that sense of richness and warmth.

Junk Journal July - Prompt 26

I found a piece of ribbon which is a glittery velvet. I absolutely love anything velvet, so this added a nice tactile richness to the page.

This is my version of cosy. What’s yours?!

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